To make an appointment, Please call

(404) 375-5273

Open Monday - Saturday from 9AM to 6PM

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"When your life is on course with its purpose, you are your most powerful." ~ Oprah

Therapy & Counseling Services

There are many therapists in the field and over 200 theories of how people change. To help you better understand what it means to receive therapeutic services from Pathway to Purpose, please read the information below. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. I will gladly answer any questions you might have. Contact Yulonda Kelley, LPC at (404) 375-5273.

Therapy is a gift you give to yourself. The goal of therapy at Pathway to Purpose is to heal from life's wounds and become whole, where ones feelings, thoughts and actions are working together to craft an authentic, connected and creative life.

Specialties Include:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Relationship Issues
  • Low Self-Esteem
  • Self-Improvement
  • Identity Development
  • Personal Transformation
  • Feeling Lost or Directionless
  • Spiritual Formation
  • Psycho-Somatic Ailments

This method of therapy involves you talking about your feelings, your problems, concerns and your experiences. As we explore the connections in your life and build on your story, we might choose to explore the origin of a situation, belief, value or feeling. We may discover more information that was not readily available to you at the time, that cause you to adopt a different way of believing, acting or feeling.

The length of therapy most often depends on your individual needs. You may have a problem you need  help resolving and feel satisfied after the issue is resolved. Maybe you want to explore new possibilities for living and address many issues. Perhaps you are working through the grieving process of a loved one, in which the length of time one needs to grieve is different for everyone. Whatever your individual need may be, at anytime you can decide that you no longer need or want to continue therapy.

Therapy is life changing. The most common benefits include a profound sense of self-awareness, higher self-esteem, improved self-worth, more self-confidence, feelings of hope, enlarged view of life, richer experiences, emotional expressiveness, feeling understood, better relationships with other people, and feeling empowered to take a more responsible role in creating the life you desire on purpose.